Not at all. But what was I supposed to do?
Kick him to the curb.
That sounds reasonable when you say it.
Because it is.
No, it's awful!
Creepy. Can you get him some new clothes at least?
It's called tough love. He needs to buy them for himself.
Even if the rest of us have to put up with the stank of old, dirty gym socks? It's like he was sprayed by a skunk.
He told me he was.
Ew. Just ew.
At least Lumin has an excuse for his stank-ness. He's been working on cleaning the house since he got home! Probably working out the frustration with his uncle.
* * *
You're playing with the ball! Finally!
Bennett asked. He's been friendly to a level of weirdness lately. But I figure I haven't spent enough time with him so it's fine. Actually, this is fun!
Bahahahaha! Not so nice. Bennett is athletically challenged, like me! Is this part of your evil plan, Ben?
What?! Evil p-p-plan? Where'd you hear that?
From the source. I think a game of catch is more likely to kill you than Rowan.
Rowan, take pity on the poor boy. Say you're tired or something.
Aw, but I like this game! I'm winning at something for once!
Only because your son is afraid of the ball.
Fine! Make me feel like a bad mother!
You kinda are...
It must be awkward, five people sharing a room. Especially with the animosity between Lumin and Ricky. Ricky stole Ben's bed!
Lumin? Take a shower. Now. Cuz the smell coming off of you is spoiling the food. :< P
*Scoots chair away from Lumin*
I don't smell thaaat bad!
Ya you do! I think I've lost my appetite.
This is all Ricky's fault! *Storms off*
Mom, we need to talk.
Just a minute, grab a mop while your waiting, k?
Plumber: O.O Ma'am, this house is hopeless.
Tell us something we don't know. >.<
You! I blame you for bringing problems into this house and into my LIFE!
Lumin, Kai has something to say, so take your moodiness into another room please. Or you can start cleaning the bathtub! Dun dun duuuuuun!
*Mumbles to self and leaves room*
-No, that is my evil pl-! I mean, leave Mommy and the Host-Lady alone!
So what's going on, Hun?
Well, I'm confused. Is Uncle Ricky staying here? I thought you two were fighting. And Lumin's all grumpy cuz Uncle Ricky's here. He's being so weird!
Eh... Well, Lumin's kind of a Mama's boy...
Nice, Rowan. That's a great thing to tell your daughter about your son. Encourage her to tease him.
And ya, your uncle is staying for a little while, and I'm sure he and I can work things out... I think...
But how long will he be here? If you were to d... Get hurt... Would he take care of us? Cuz I really like Uncle Ricky, since he gave me that puppy 'n all, 'n I was just wondering!
*Wonders why Bennett and Kai are acting strangely*
*Holds up flashing neon sign that reads THEY ARE PLOTTING TO KIIIILLLLL YOU!*
Plumber: Ma'am, are you going to pay me for the work I didn't do for you today, or do I have to keep standing here forever?
Huh? Oh, sure, ya, hereyago.
*Sees sign* Host-Lady. Put it down or else.
Or else what?
*Pulls out knife*
O.O Ro-
Kai, that's a very... Special... Question, but I don't think there's any need to worry. And I'm sure your father would take you in...
Her sister is a vampire. You'd let her live in that house!?
Yes. It would make her well-rounded.
Or dead.
Or dead.
Says the girl with the knife.
You seem very talented. Ever think of performing in Vegas? You could be a star, kid! Think of all the money you'd make me!
*Giggles* Dis tastes nummy!
I'm hungry something awful, kid. D'ya know where I can get something good around here?
Hunwy. Ah, Mama cooks but iz no good! Da fish haz good food!
Fish? Oh, you mean fridge.
Ya, fish! *Giggles* But da nice Wady gimme good food sumimes.
Nice lady? Is she your babysitter? Is she real pretty?
No da Wady! *Loses interest and goes back to toy*
D'aw he thinks I'm nice!
Crazy kid.
Kapow! *Pretends to shoot laser at Rick's head* Zoom!
I love you, Little Red!
I givoo a biiiiig hug! :D
Yaay! :3
Everybody's in a cleaning mood all of a sudden. Lumin, it's impossible to keep up with. Let it go.
I've just got to keep trying. Maybe then it'll be fit to bring a girl around here!
Girl? :D You have a girlfriend?
Not yet... :(
Darn... Well, it has to happen eventually, right?
Ahhh! I can't look! *Looks anyways* Lumin, your mother is trying to CLEAN! I predict the house is going to blow up! Run awaaaaaay!
*Grabs collar* Clean, or homework. You decide.
No! You can't pull the homework card when you're about to kill them all in a horrible accident!
Ya... ya accident... That's a good idea...
am soooo hungry I could eat this shower!
Why is everyone so hungry? *Delicious smell from hot piece of pizza drifts down to little Sim noses*
Ben is washing the walls. What is wrong with the walls?
They are disgusting! That's what's wrong with them!
Whoa, dude. Sorry I asked!
I smell cooking!!! Someone stop Rowan before... she... Bennett?
Ya, I figure it'll work out better if I start cooking for myself.
Okey dokey then. I wanna see!
But it looked so good before! D:
Rowan actually cooks better than someone! Wow!
*Happy baby voice* Hey goober! Hey! Guess what!? When you get older, I'm gonna take you fishing! You can bring home all kiiinds of fish for your mommy!
Mama doesn't like fish.
I'll give you candy.
Lez do it!
Dersa pond down da road. We go dere?
Sounds good to me, kiddo.
Yous mah fwiend!
Great. But you can never tell your Mommy we had this conversation.
'K! Hehe!
Ya that looks safe. *Gags* Here, baby take the gas mask!
AAAAH!!!! Da bad man's gomme! Nice Wady! Nice Wady! AAAAH!
I thought everything was going great! How do I turn it off!? ROo- Um...
Did someone call me?
Pssh, nope! Everything's just ducky!
Great. *Smirks*
Dinking? Rooowaaaan!
Hey, I'm not pregnant! This is totally, completely ok right now.
No it's not!
It drowns out my child's screams coming from the other room.
That is awful. Really, Alessi is a better mother than you. I don't think I've ever seen her drink.
You watch her too!? I'm not alone!?
Actually... A friend of mine watches her... I just here the stories... O.o
D: Poor Alessi! I feel her pain!
Bwahahaha! I should have my friend tell her you said that...
There is water seeping through the wall... I need to have that checked out...
* * *
Ben is growing up! Finally!
Sweet! I'll be a full-fledged teenager! I'll be one step closer to leaving the house! I bet I'll have babes all over me!
Nooooo. But nice try there, bud.
Haha! Babes!
They are all adults. Two are vamps. One's a dude. Nice try, again.
I'll be forever alone... Just like Lumin.
Hey! He tries!
Yes! Now I shall be able to put my plan in motion! And I'll be able to reach the top shelf at Sim*Mart!
Not half bad. But your plan will still never work.
Gosh! I'm not a kid anymore! It was just a stupid game anyways. Besides, I'm too busy to kill anyone or take over the world.
Busy with what!?
Boys! *Romantic sigh*
Erm... I forgot how to get home. Everything is so much smaller than I remember it being...
Ha-ha! Have fun! *Runs away* Oh, right. He can't see me...
I look gooood!
For a homeless leach.
*Hums to self*
Why can everyone in Rowan's family hear me but you?
*Gasp!!!* Lumin, drop that right now! You are too young for alcohol!
*Is scared and drops glass*
Now look what you made me do! I was just trying to have a little fun 'n relax! Mom's gonna kill me!
I don't wanna clean up this house anymore! Have the cleanliness fairy make it go away! Why is everyone in this house insane!?
Good question! *Backs away slowly* No- wait! You need to go to your room young man! Think about what you've done and, erm, stuff!
Room? I don't have my own room. Stuff? Like what? Fun stuff?
No! Gosh, I'm bad at this! Go punish yourself or something!
Yep, sounds fun. I definitely should go punish myself by the tv and torture myself by watching The Walking Dead... Cuz, I just don't like scary shows...
*Holds up lotsa $$$*
Ugh! You again! Why can't you just leave me alone!? You need to get something straight...
We are not friends. I don't like you. I want you out of my house, and away from my mother. You are scum.
*Epically sad face* Well, that really hurts me. And if you're sure, I'll go.
Great! Leave!
What?! I mean- I'll pack my bags...
What bags? Oh... I get it...
Little devil thinks he can kick me outta the house, does he? Well I'll show him! I'll be the perfect angel just long enough to make Rowan think she needs me here. Then, eventually, I can help her get to a better place and give the house over to Boss. He always is looking for a new hide out...
O.O I knew it! RO-
*Looks around* M-me?
Yes! If you even think about telling Rowan I'll end your little challenge early. Kaput! Y'got me?
You could hear me all along? How'd you know about my challenge? Leave Rowan alone!
Then be a good ghost and keep ya mouth shut, capisce?
o_o Yep... (Nooo... Wait. Ghost??)
* * *
This is traumatizing. O///O My uncle. In nothing but boxers. Like my brother wasn't bad enough.
Why doesn't she stop crying? I need to sleep too you know! I have school tomorrow and first thing is a calculus test! I'm going to faaaail!
Quinn, just go to sleeeeep. Eeeeverything will be alright.
<.< Quiiiinny... I'd stop crying if I were you...
'Kay. But I wan' Scotty!
Not tonight. Trust me, it'll be safer in the morning.
I meant better! No, no! Easier! For your uncle... And siblings! Of course them too! *Nervous laughter*
>.> <.<
Why are you playing with dolls? Don't you know those are girls' toys?
Nah-uh! Winny 'n me pway wif dem all da time 'n iz fun!
But I thought you wanted to be a rockstar? I'd be happier if you were a rockstar.
Wockstah? Wazzat?
It's a very rich person.
Nah me like pwayin' wif Winny! :D
Drop the dolls.
Good boy! Someday, you'll be just like me and you'll have way more fun than with your stupid sister and some stupid dolls.
You have issues, man. And don't ever be like your Uncle Rick, Little Red!
I wuv Winny, so dere mean porson! *Razzle*
*Fumes* Very well. Have fun with your dolls. I will choose another favorite. Perhaps Bennett will do.
Die, Rick, die! *Aims very bad thoughts at uncle*
Oh, the pain!
I finally found my way home!
It's been four days.
That's a record!
Why is my brother so challenged?
I don't know, Lumin. I really don't.
*Starts singing in flawless Italian*
o.o O_O *Jaw drops*
Wow what a show!
You two actually look bored by this! WHAT IS THIS!?
The Evander household.
Ahhhh. Living the life! Never thought I'd ever have it this good!
Die, Rick, die!
Gotta go tell Boss about new developments! Maybe I'll get a promotion for this!
What new developments!? You aren't killing Rowan, and you certainly aren't taking the house!
We'll see.
Omg! This is the new babysitter!? He looks like he's from the mob too! Geez!
But I think Quinn's charm made him melt :3
Good, Boss got him a way to gather intel, as I had planned! Muahahaha!
O.O Omg what are you wearing?
I didn't tell you? I won majority for Mayor as a write-in.
How!? I mean congrats!
Mobster babysitter (Ya I didn't get his name...): G'day, Ma'am.
Hey. He looks like a nice boy!
Right. Sure. Hey Rowan, I gots something to tell you...
I think you should kick Ricky out.
I know.
Huh? Explain!
I've heard rumors that he's involved in some criminal activities... Worse than before.
Ya, like, I don't know... The mob?
Ya like that.
And you continue to let him live here?
Well nothing's for sure... I hired a P.I. to follow him. If anything real and solid turns up-
Like a body-
Then I'll kick him out.
What are you going on about over there, Ro?
The stress of being Mayor.
Oh, ok.
Kai? You're at the playground? You never used this as a kid!
Ya this is so much fun! You should try it sometime! Having fun, I mean.
Ouch. *Shoves down slide* Muahaha!
Hey, Ben. D'ya think something's going on with Mom?
Ya she's getting old.
No, I mean she's been almost responsible since she was elected mayor! She goes to work on time, helps us with homework... It's like she's a different person!
She must have a severe case of llamaitis! But Kai seems different too. Especially since she's started talking to Johnny. He's a senior!
Maybe there's a bug going around or something...
Rowaaan? What are you doing standing inside the dishwasher?
I'm getting a nice bowl full of grey yumminess!
And making sure the machine is working all right. Is it hot in here or is it just me?
Maybe it's because you are glitching out?
Nah, no way I'm glitching out. I hate summer...
Yeeeah okays.
Still pretending to be a good guy I see. At least the glitchiness has seemed to pass... Rowan still walks through walls though.
Even Kai is learning how to cook! :D
Even me? Do you think if I can learn to cook really well, it will impress Johnny?
Who's Johnny? King of the football team or something?
No. Where'd you get that idea? He's head of the chess club.
His braces are dreamy...
That's nice, Kai. I approve. (Heheh... I thought she was a stereotypical pretty girl!)
Eeep! Birthday time!
Yaaay Quinn! My baby sister is going to be a child! It makes me feel so old! D,:
How could this day get any better?
Stupid Lumin with his stupid love for this stupid family! Why isn't he more like Bennett?
Haw-haw Quinny's gonna be a child! You're going to have to go to school! And do homework!
When was the last time you showered!?
I forget.
Nice. Reeeal nice.
I wanted my cake to be pink! Why do I always get a boy's cake? :(
I wanna pony for mah birfday! :D
Yaaay Prescott! Go Scotty! Wait- Why is everyone excited for him to age up but not Quinn?
Wanna know why the older siblings are avoiding looking at the birthday boy? Prescott aged up with no pants.
Go Scotty!
You are a good sister! *Pats head*
But there's one last birthday for her to be excited for!
WAAAH! My Lumin is growing up and moving out! D': NUUUUU!
I cannot WAIT to get out of this place!
But I'll miss youu!
Aw! *Hugs*
He grew up handsomely! :3
**Bonus pic of Lumin**
Stop ogling my brother and pay more attention to the people still living in this house!
You photobomb like a boss.
She is so annoying! *Whispers* Annoying!
Okay, Brick.
It's killing him to have to leave, I don't care what he says!
Well.. That's that. I'll be seeing you.
Everybody's sad!
Are you seriously sneaking out so you don't have to say goodbye!?
Shhh! Mom might hear you!
At least you look happy. Be free!
If you don't like the drama I (tried) to add to the story, I'm having Ricky leave in the next chapter and then the chapters should be more normal after that. :)
Ha! You're bringing Boss into this? :P Well that'll be fun!
ReplyDeleteAnd LuLu aged up cute!!! :D
Also, when is Alessi gonna pop up and seduce somebody?! It must happen soon!!!
I mentioned Boss but I'm not actually bringing him into it :( Maybe if Ricky ever shows his face again (after he leaves that is).
DeleteYa I <3 Lumin!
Alessi doesn't pop up til after Stephen comes around. (I haven't been in my game since that happened cuz I'll need your input for what Alessi will be doing at that point)They have met though! (They like each other! It freaks me out!)