...Wow. That was good! I almost couldn't tell that was sarcasm!
No, I'm serious! I love him, but with Lumin here I NEVER GET TO LEAVE THE HOUSE!!!
Well you guys seem to be getting along just fine! He's not walking yet?
I just started teaching him! He's so smart, though! He's already getting the hang of it :)
Lumin: *Excited sqeals*
So cute! XD
Who's a good boy? You are, you are!
...Weird, that's what I say to my dog...
Whatever! Oh, did I tell you this already? I got a raise!
You mean a promotion?
No! A raise! You see, Fatima forgot her report for a meeting, so I ran it to her and she's paying me an extra 9 dollars per hour!
That's fantastic! I bet you'll be a professional in no time! You'll run Fatima right out of her position.
She would kill me! And that would be veery bad cuz she's my only friend!
I'm just gonna float waaay over here... BAAAHAAHAHAHAA!!!
Ok... So, Lumin, I'm just warning you now that fish are veeery bad things. You do not want to bring them into the house because they would make Mama reeally mad, ok?
'Kay! :D
Eep! He said 'kay'! *Freaks out*
And when you grow up, you're going to go to this place called school, and get aaall A's for me, ok Buddy?
No, school!
SHHH! He's getting better!
And when you get older, you're going to buy Mama a good car, ok? A good, pretty, red car! There: lots of adjectives!
Car! Good car!
Rowan! Leave him alone! You'll have 100 kids, let him have his own life!
He's three.
Learning starts at an early age and I don't want him living here forever!
What!? Why!?
Gotta make room for more babies!
Mama's cwasy! *Giggles*
I wuv you thiiis much, Mama!
Aww, I love you too Lumin!
Hey, ask him if he can say Maddy!
Absolutely not!
* * *
Roooowaaaaan! Time to go to wooork!
Eeew. No... Five more minutes?
I suppose I could kick you to work if you miss your ride, seeing how you never use your own car.
I'm going, I'm going!
Ahh! Lumin! Ro! We forgot the baby! Call a sitter!
Isn't he old enough to stay home alone?
Are you crazy!? Oh... wait...
She's scary! I'm not leaving my son with her!
She's like fifteen! And you have to go to work! And meet more guys!
Guys? Sounds good to me! Here ya go, person!
Ok, so no parties, no people, and DON'T SLACK OFF!
Sally Hustev: Whatevs...
Sally: I'm sure everything will be just fine, Mrs. Evander!
I'm not married...
Sally: Okey dokey then! Well I'll make sure to take care of Rubin while you're gone!
>.< You sure about this, Host-Lady?
Eh... Ya she's fine let's go.
* * *
Before you go home, I want you to stop at the art gallery. Maybe you can have an artistic child!
...Oooh! Pretty!
Good! I was afraid you didn't like art!
I was talking about the house...
Hi! Have you seen any hot guys around?
Rayna Kaminski: Haha! No, deary, if I had do you think I'd be standing here talking to you?
!!! See, I think you and I are going to get along juuust fine!
Rayna: BlahblahblahartblahblahchildrenblahblahandIwaslikegetoffmylawnblahblah!BlahblahboysblahblahchildrenblahblahblahHost-Lady!
Omg! Rowan's got a new friend! Rowan and Rayna sittin in a tree c-h-a-t-t-i-n-g!
* * *
...She was going to talk to this guy named Melvin Taft and she just passed out! Maybe I should have let her take that nap... More kids = less sleep... Less sleep = more of this. Poor Rowan O.o
Ugh! Why is he crying?! Host-Lady it's your turn!
Actually, I don't have a turn. No arms. *Wiggles around uselessly*
Aaaahhh! I need sleep! Make him better!
Sorry, no can do. No cheats allowed.
*Death glare*
Everything looks fine here! If you want, sleep is now an option...
If I move, he will just start crying again. Make it stop!
Only 99 more to go...
I don't think coffee will make anything better, you're going to collapse again!
Rowan! Drinking will DEFINITELY NOT make things better!
I have to do something! It never ends!
Get used to it :) (See this is the part where I get you back!)
I'm done with this challenge! I am protesting until I recieve further assistence!
*Goes to reset sim... Nah I can't do it...* I'll help you with your cooking if you give up the protest.
Can somebody get me an easy button please?
Pancakes! Sweet!
No that would be the strawberries.
They came out so perfect! On my first try too!
Sooo... friends?
Not even close.
Kay :)
Aaand break-time is over. Rowaaaaan! Lumin wants youuuuu!
* * *
What the heck!? Get out of that guy's taxi! He looks insanely mad! And not in the crazy way like you!
At least you aren't as strange-looking as this guy here... Came to the stadium dressed as a cat!
Random sim: Meow!
Rowan, after the amateur competition, maybe try looking for a new beau? This is a HUGE crowd!
And I see a couple people I wouldn't mind getting a whole lot closer to... XD
Yaaay! Looking forward to baby numero deux!